
Movie review 4 Toy Story

When I was a little child, I was interested in a lot of things. For example, they were my future, my dream, and so on. I think that to get interested in many things is one of most important parts that most of us do not have now. When we get a lot of information, we find that some of things that we had thought that we could do in my childhood are impossible or very difficult. We have to know “reality”. However, it is only point of departure. When we know it, what we should do turns so clear. “Toy Story” is one of movies that give the key to us. So, I am going to introduce the story to you.

Woody is a doll which looks like a cowboy. He has a string. If it is pulled, he starts to speak by himself. He has a lot of friends in his owner’s room. His owner is Andy and they are all his toys. For example, they are Mr. Potato Head, Hamm, Slinky, and so on. They can also move by themselves, but Andy does not know that. He cherishes them and Woody is his favorite toy. So, he always plays with Woody.

One day, a new toy came to Andy’s home as a present for his birthday. His name is Buzz Lightyear. He is made for children and has a lot of functions as a toy. The toys except Woody accepted him, but Woody did not do because Andy came to play with him and had been very excited at him. After some days, Woody tried to drop Buzz to under the table in his room. However, Buzz fell on the bushes out of the house by mistake. Because of this accident, Woody disappointed his friends. When Andy went to Pizza Planet restaurant with his family, he tried to take Woody there because he could not find Buzz in his room. Buzz held on to the car that would go to Pizza Planet restaurant and he found Woody. Woody and Buzz managed to arrive there, but they were caught by a bad boy. His name is Sid Phillips. He is a neighbor of Andy and likes to destroy toys and change them into other toys. They tried to escape from his house, but they were not able to do it because Andy’s toys did not believe what Woody said at first. In addition, Buzz knew that he is not a “real” space ranger but a toy for children, so he was depressed. However, Woody accepted him as a friend and told him to return to Andy together. Buzz was motivated by what Woody said and the toys that were changed by Sid helped them to escape from his house, so they were able to reform him and go back to the car that Andy and his family were taking to move to their new house. After that, Andy and his toys had a good time there.

In this movie, there are a lot of toys. So, many children in the world will be excited when they watch them. However, I think that this movie has some message for us. They are what we should do after we know our situation. Buzz could know that it is the most important for toys to be with their owners after he understood that he was not a space ranger. I think that we have to find what each of us is only able to do or what we would like to do for the people who each of us cherishes very much. (601 words / 9504 words)

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