
My routine is to watch soccer games

I think that to watch a lot of sports always make me excited. When I was a pupil, the sport that I often watched on TV was baseball. It was very interesting for me to watch a lot of baseball games on TV every week. And it gave a lot of knowledge of baseball to me. However, some disgraceful matters of baseball happened in Japan. Also, the Yomiuri Giants that I had supported for a long time in my childhood did not change the attitude that they got good players with a lot of money. Then they made me sad, so I have seldom watched baseball games on TV lately.

On the other hand, I started to watch a lot of soccer games when I was a high school student. I had thought that it was a long time for me to watch a soccer game for 90 minutes until I watched it in detail. However, after I went on doing it and getting a lot of information of soccer, my way to think changed. In a word, I think that it is very short time for me to watch a soccer game now. Then, to do it every week is a part of my life, and it makes my daily life very happy.

I think that to watch a lot of soccer games have good points. First, we are able to keep a lot of soccer players in mind. Then you will watch soccer games every week because you are interested in them if you do it. Second, we are able to understand the rules of soccer. I think that it is very difficult for the people who seldom watch a soccer game to understand some of them. So, I recommend that they should do it once a week. If you do it, you will understand the rules of soccer a little.

Also, I often view a lot of blogs of soccer. I started to do it about one and a half years ago. Especially, I often view them from Yahoo! JAPAN. Most of the people who write them from it are the supporters of the teams in J League or European leagues. So, we are able to see how to support their teams a little. In addition, we may be able to understand some feelings that a lot of supporters would like to tell their teams. Finally, I would like you to find your favorite team as soon as you can.

I think that a lot of people in Japan do not know J League in detail. Maybe they like watching baseball games or the other sports. Surely, I also watch their games on TV, so I understand a lot of good points of them. However, I think that it is the best for me to watch a lot of soccer games. I have done it for 3 years. Some of soccer games might make you bored. There are some problems that we have to solve as soon as we can. However, you will be excited if you watch a good game. So, please watch it. (518 words / 10112 words)

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