My other classes part 2
I think that it is very important for us to understand the difference of the way to think between Japanese and the people who live in the other countries. However, I do not know what I have to do concretely. So, I decided that I would take part in this class. It is the class of the theory of communicating some different culture. I learned the communication by using languages the other day. For example, most of Japanese tend to use the words such as "maybe", "probably", "might", and so on when they talk to other people. On the other hand, most of American tends to use the words such as "absolutely", "certainly", "surely", and so on when they do it. Therefore, it is said that Japanese has "High Context Culture" and American has "Low Context Culture". I think that it is necessary for me to know a lot of ways to think. So, I would like you to take part in this class and to know different ideas. (169 words / 7913 words)
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